Essentially all architecture websites say the same thing: sustainable, meet budget expectations, tons of experience, award winners, buzzword, buzzword, etc. The key to the game is to say absolutely nothing and comfort any worries of a potential client contemplating hiring you. This “professionalism” across the board is cold and off-putting in a profession that tends to be very personal at minimum. 

We can’t say exactly when ohms started, we gravitated towards each other naturally. But we like to say it happened in 2013 in the middle of our last year of architecture school, when we agreed we didn't want to get stuck in a traditional architecture office. We became a “studio” that year. We drifted towards ohms as an acronym to our names and something to do with being on the same frequency. Soon after graduating we held full time jobs and we sat around a large table in Hector’s garage working on a range of experiments, competitions, fantasies, narratives, film, some commissions and talking about what we would like to build in the future. As we keep on growing we continue to operate around different tables, working closely, and far, on each project through playful experimentation and serious research. This website indexes our work. You can hire us, but we can’t promise it will be comforting.